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Sure-Stop PVC Waterstops

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Sure-Stop PVC Waterstops


We ship PVC Waterstops direct to construction sites and water projects anywhere in Australian, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Darwin. Call us to discuss your waterstop project requirement today!

Sure-Stop® PVC Waterstops lead the way in high technology and design, and comply to international standards. Sure-Stop® PVC Waterstops are extruded from specially compounded PVC in accordance with BS2782. They are designed for use in water retaining and water excluding structures where a positive seal is required for poured in-situ concrete expansion, construction and contraction joints.

The range of profiles for both centre-cast and externally placed applications when embedded into the concrete, form a continuous barrier making Sure-Stop® PVC Waterstops ideal for preventing water penetration. These profiles are available in rolls with separate intersections supplied to simplify and minimise on-site fabrication. Concrete structures are only as watertight as the waterstops that join them.

Sure-Stop® PVC Waterstops are designed to allow for expansion, contraction and other movements that can cause joints to open and close. The efficiency of any waterstop is very dependent on good workmanship and on full compaction of the surrounding concrete. Optimum performance will be achieved if the waterstop is installed by keeping these factors in mind.

Safari stock a huge range of Sure-Stop, Rear-Guard and Centre Cast waterstops with scope for custom profiles. The Rear-Guard are used for external applications where the back of the PVC sits on the formwork. The “Centre-Bulb” waterstops are designed to be completely encased in concrete on both sides of the joint.

Click here to see our full range of other waterstop products!

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